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Colman Coaching LOGO and meaning behind it: 3 Interconnected Circles brings together the Mind, Body and Heart
Engaging the Mind and the Heart will support the Body’s efforts to do this task for us.
Public speaking medium = public audience + a speaker. ALL ABOUT AUDIENCE.
Put content in their world. Already know, need to know, feel and do about it.
Prepare your content to be HEARD, not READ. Use active language. PAGE 4.
Take your audience on a journey. Orient them WHY you’re speaking. Use clear structure denoting the 5 W’s.
Keep it simple. Less is more. Less words.
Suddenly asking the body to do something it almost never does. No wonder it reacts!
Rehearsal prep builds the neural pathways in our mind that instruct body. Brain Chemistry decreases nerves.
Try to engage your body BEFORE you present. Get your heart rate up. Stand up. Out loud.
Get into the space.
Condition like an athlete would. HYDRATE. REST. EAT WELL.
This is where the heart part comes in. The sprit. FELT among audience.
Natural magnetism, dynamism.
Important to cultivate because an audience will associate that good feeling with YOU.
We have to balance intellect with affability. Part informer, part entertainer.
Give them something to look at, something to listen to and something to remember.
In order for them to learn or be inspired by you, they must understand you.
Use punctuation as a guide.
Emphasize, key terms. Define acronyms.
Period.. end on a down note. NO UP-SPEAK. Comma- breath, Ellipses… lilt. Question? Ask it.
Are slides clear, concise, necessary?
Do you have audio visual elements worked out.
What is your space like?
Can you use an unconventional prop to illustrate your ideas? MEMORABLE
They can’t learn from you, feel you and be inspired by you if they can’t HEAR you.
Breath support
Low talker? Fast talker? High pitched talker?
You are the medium for your message and it’s a visual medium.
Wear something that AIDS your speech.
Dress to impress. Too inform says something before you’ve opened your mouth.
Claim our space. Feet firmly on the floor. Shoulders back.
You’ve earned this time. Take it.
Pin hair back.
Also where the HEART comes in.Established through eye contact. Friendly eyes and allies out in audience whom you’ve established prior.
FELT by audience.
Puts you in church and in control. Nerves melt away.

Colman Coaching | o. +1.844.394.1115 | c. 303.589.5749
The Corporate Coaching Company | www.totalcoachingsystems.com
Corporate Performance and Strategy – Executive Development – High Trust Teams – High Stakes Speech and Media Training