How to Maximize Human Performance in the M&A Environment
Kendall E. Colman, CEO
Colman & Company
Carla Wolin, CEO
Wolin Associates
together have created M&A Talent Partners
June 10, 2010
7:30-8:00 a.m. Networking
8:00-9:00 a.m. Program
Offices of Holme Roberts & Owen LLP
1700 Lincoln Street, 44th Floor
Denver, Colorado
The failure rate for M&A transactions is startlingly high. By most estimates, 70% of deals fail to meet the expectations of the executives that drive them, while two-thirds are deemed outright failures within three years. Without a way of systematically identifying potential issues, surfacing assumptions, and reviewing business criticality of certain risks, the chances of success are often significantly reduced.
This session will help executives and deal professionals incorporate tools to improve profitability, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, quality, and growth throughout the acquisition process.
It will also identify potential problem areas and analyze seven critical factors that can drive post M&A success.
Kendall Colman is CEO of Colman & Company, and Carla Wolin is CEO of Wolin & Associates. Both firms are human capital consulting firms located in Denver. Together they have created M&A Talent Partners, an M&A firm focusing on human capital integration. They have decades of experience in guiding their clients who merge talent with M&A execution and various growth opportunities.
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