Elementor #10090
Do you know that the language we use designs the quality of our life? I became fascinated at an early age reading Dr. David Hawkins’ book, Power vs. Force, as he explained that our word selection has an energetic charge. The whole idea is that language is the verbal demonstration of our beliefs; and when […]
Surviving Holiday Overwhelm and a Reflective Team Exercise
For most, the holidays are more stressful than joyful. A time of year for celebration, togetherness, and giving becomes replaced with anxiety (any-exit), triggers, loneliness, people-pleasing, over-spending and over-indulgence. You may find yourself wanting to say no, but struggle to follow your instincts. What if the key is not to “get-through” the holiday season, but […]
Nature-Based Team Retreats (sample agenda)
9:00 Breathing and Connection Exercise (30 mins) 9:30 Building Trust through Level III Awareness and Coaching (40 mins) 10:40 Break 10:45 Leader | Leader Opening (30 mins) 11:15 Trust Workshop using Myers Briggs (30 mins) 11:45 Break 11:45 – 1:00 Workshop with Myers Briggs continued (75 mins) 1:00 Lunch at Casita 2:00 Experiential […]
Have A More Meaningful Holiday Season
The holiday season has officially started. So often this means spending more time with loved ones and new or old friends. These interactions may lead to conversations that create tension. Before going to your gathering, take some time to create a good mindset by asking yourself the following questions: In-the-Moment questions to ask yourself when […]
What is your Bigger Climate Game?
Updated 2023 “It’s not about getting it right; it’s about getting it started.” Being here in the Maine sunshine working with coaching clients has us thinking big. Combine that with bold leaders who are ready to change their priorities so renewable energy & regeneration are in the top 5. The way to get there is […]
5 Core Values to Guide Your ESG Strategy
Coaching climate leaders and building core values in their ESG teams. We start by accessing a harmonic resonance, a time from the past that allowed team members a flow state where work became easy with each other. As the facilitator, you can draw people out with these questions: Think back to a time when this […]
30 Minute Messaging Model with Kendall Colman, TCS
30-MINUTE MESSAGING MODEL I. OUTCOME What do I ultimately want to accomplish through this communication? If I’m successful in this communication, I will have _________________. Are you trying to change awareness, attitude or a behavior? Is my target outcome specific, measurable and achievable II. AUDIENCE Who do I need to reach in order to achieve […]
Betty & the Broad
Don’t Be a Betty Imagine…the perfect workplace. Seriously, can you? Everybody gets along all of the time and they work their butts off for the team. Colleagues, bosses, line people, client facing, etc. They never have a beef with each other. Is it a dream, is it a nightmare, is it even possible? The answer […]
TCS Vision, Mission and Approach
How Smart People Prepare for a Presentation
Total Coaching System LOGO and meaning behind it: 3 Interconnected Circles brings together the Mind, Body and Heart Engaging the Mind and the Heart will support the Body’s efforts to do this task for us. SCRIPT/CONTENT: Public speaking medium = public audience + a speaker. ALL ABOUT AUDIENCE. Put content in their world. Already […]