How Distractions Erode Trust

Surveys reveal that 80% of Americans don’t trust corporate executives and — worse — that roughly half of all managers don’t trust their own leaders. Mergers, downsizing, and globalization have accelerated the pace of change in organizations…

Blah, Blah, Blah.

While this is useful, why do we still think that our success in business doesn’t come from good old fashion relationship building followed by doing what you say you are going to do. Those of us who think we are above all this “unethical greedy” behavior we are seeing unfold in the dailies and communities can also take an honest appraisal in the mirror. 

What personal habits get in the way of you building trust with each person you meet? Answering your cell phone while in the grocery check out line, making it a longer wait for those behind you? Followed up by rationalizing your behavior because it is “important”?

How about looking beyond the person you are talking with at a networking function for the person you want to meet?  Checking email constantly through meetings? These little behaviors are the cues to others that you can be trusted only so far. We will rebuild our great companies when we all take an honest appraisal of how well we build rapport and credibility with our clients, one at a time. Let’s not wait for more crisis to change.