May 2010 Colman & Company launches The Safari Woman Project: What is your Bigger Game?

The Safari Woman Project

What is your Bigger Game?

Enrollment begins June 01, 2010


Kendall Colman, Executive Coach

Colman & Company

This Program is by Special Invitation

for Executive Women Only

Safari Woman Project, An Invitation

As Executive Women we have a tendency to fall into the trap of “Business as Usual,” which can be defined as a state of predictability, unchanging expectations, and even blaming circumstances as the reason for not succeeding or for poor performance. Whatever the issue, we have it handled and rely on the same personal competencies to carry it out. The problem is that Business as Usual doesn’t invite us to grow and develop. It merely invites  us to stay the same; it’s good enough as it is.

The executive woman now has another vehicle for transformation called The Safari Woman Project. This is for executive women who are in positions of leadership and want to radically shift the way they do their life, career or business and are ready to play a Bigger Game.

The Safari Woman program lays out a framework and approach to help executive women achieve great things, not out of obligation, but because they are driven by hunger, yearnings and a compelling purpose.

This Project is Specifically for Women:

Who have successful lives as a leader, who feel they are in a comfort zone and want to take their life, career and results to a whole new level.

Who are ready to ready to work with getting clearer about how you will serve others in your life.

Who sees that sometimes the habits that make you “successful” are the very habits that hold you back from quantum leaps to higher levels of success.

Who are ready to confront and challenge those habits weekly.

Qualifications for Participation

Only executive women or entrepreneurs who have a successful position, career business or entity who are seriously committed to changing their business will be a part of The Safari Woman Project.

Between the ages of 40 and 63ish

You must have earned a minimum of six figures in 2009. (This will raise the synergy and focus of the experience together, and will alter the conversation in a big way.)

A woman who is serious about taking her work to very high levels of service and income

A woman who understands and is cognizant of when it is time to change course

A woman who has good physical prowess but has let herself get out of shape

A woman who is not afraid to invest 10K on the improvement of her own life

A woman who wants to be more vigilant with her health and well-being

A woman who is holding back but wants more

A woman who is ready to have a more understood voice at the table

A woman who knows there is more to who she is in her relationships

A woman who’s gotten soft, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically

A woman who wants to live more integrated and deliberate

The Program

Limited to 8 highly qualified women

One team coaching meetings per month on the phone with one of the top leadership coaches in the world, Kendall Colman – and very special guest appearances.

A personalized physical training schedule for each participant

You will be given weekly accountability challenges to keep you on your edge

Each Woman will do a 1 day Juice Fast per month, first Sunday of every month.

The six month Safari Program will kick-off in person in Denver, Colorado on Friday, August 20th and Saturday the 21st, 2010.

We will meet for one day in the middle for a course correction on Friday, November 12th.

The Safari will conclude with a retreat on Friday, February 25th, 2011 – in Denver, with a celebration dinner Thursday, February 24th.

Each day will start at 9:00 AM and end at 5:00 PM.

All programs will be held at the historic and elegant University Club, Capital Room, Downtown Denver.

You will create an Impossible Dream Project and have the synergy of the Safari Woman Team to assist you in completion.

Each student will be given a partner-coach each week for a mutual phone-coaching session, to strengthen the pace of accountabilities and awakenings (or equivalent, depending on your business) – this will deepen the experience of being coached by successful women along the way.

The weekly call will be an hour in duration, first half hour to coach and second half hour to be coached.

Weekly reports are due via email every Sunday before midnight. Each week you’ll report your progress to me (and the other seven students)which inspires you to focus the entire week in terms of creating results.

You know you’re going to be reporting it, so you think more about it and how to achieve it. It becomes your creative theme. When you have no such path of accountability you slide back into past habits.

There are many other surprises that I won’t divulge now.

At the end you will have a summary 1:1 coaching session.

Benefits to You

  • Renewed energy and a vision for your continuing role as a leader
  • A comfortable and private environment to explore future options
  • Insight, information and supportive connections
  • A distinct plan of your next steps for finding more meaning and adding more value in all the roles you play

Benefits to Your Organization

  • Greater energy and fulfillment equals greater contribution and retention of seasoned leaders
  • Developing a mentor role for a valued leader
  • Broader perspective on leadership gained from connection to a diverse group of senior level women from a variety of companies and arts.

My purpose in life is to help you wake up to the truth of who you are and to think bigger about that than you ever dreamed possible.

So whether this investment is a huge leap for you or a mere drop in the bucket, if you know there is something bigger for you in life and you are ready to step into it, join me.

Sometimes what we’re good at keeps us from being great. Especially when we have no one to gently push us or challenge the status quo. By not ever being pushed we operate at the lowest levels of success for ourselves, even when those around us see us as super-achievers.

This program was set up to counter-balance that tendency, and to challenge us (myself included) to fresh new levels of performance.

“In the last analysis, our only freedom

is the freedom to discipline ourselves.”


If you are interested in speaking more please call Pamela Tanino at