
92% of Leaders Can’t Execute on Strategy

92% of Leaders Can't Execute on Strategy

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Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.  Tactics without Strategy is the noise before defeat.”- Sun Tzu

Strategy is the Yin to the execution Yang: both depend on the other for their existence and yet in most organizations each exist independently of each other.

However, only 8% of leaders are good at both strategy and execution

{Leinwand 2015}. 

This supports the statistic that roughly 70% of all strategies fail in execution hardly surprising {Forbes}.  Countless resources in terms of work hours, effort and money are lost if a strategy is not right, but the same is true if a strategy is not well executed.

For your organization to succeed and thrive over time, strategy and execution must become two parts of the same whole, working synergistically together to create sense out of an ever-changing environment and drive desired results.

Strategy should be a simple and straightforward means for an organization to move towards its vision without stifling top-down management.

Execution, on the other hand, must have the discipline and rigor to implement strategy effectively, but flexible enough to probe the strategic environment, make sense of how external and internal forces are reacting to, supporting or hindering the strategy, and adapt accordingly to achieve the overall vision and intent.

Both must interact with and inform each other to allow for progress without curbing initiative or dogmatically following a failing plan.

While the Yin and Yang balance of strategy and execution are essential elements of success, it is leadership that choreographs the delicate dance between the two.

Leaders need to be able to think strategically, then plan strategically and finally implement a rigorous, iterative and learning execution process to realize their visions.

Without solid leadership, strategy and execution exist in a transactional or possibly opposing relationship where one ends and the other picks up but neither work together. In the end, strategy and execution mean nothing without leadership.  Leadership creates the environment that provides bounds and structure which fills the gap between strategy and execution.

Over the course of the next year, Colman Coaching will expand upon this topic in a systematic way broken down into four phases:

1. Strategy and Execution

2. Team Effectiveness

3.  Strategic Communications, Speech and Media

4.  Building a World-class Sales Organization

To see the entire plan that will help you be one of the leaders good at both strategy and execution see: Yin and Yang of Strategy and Execution

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