Becoming an Effective Spokesperson

Colman Coaching’ Climate Storytelling curriculum includes, messaging exercises, and learning methods for delivering impact with excellence. We’ll explain the foundations, as well as the science and structure, of powerful stories — whether they last 30 seconds or five minutes. Professional Storytelling is an experiential program complete with small group discussions and training. In this context, we always emphasize the importance of narrative as the most powerful tool in the speaker’s toolkit.

Storytelling agenda:

Begin with the end: Stories should be guided by the effect, emotion, energy, and endstate we hope to inspire by the conclusion.
Structure: Tailor a story’s design around the ending we seek, and build the structure of a speech or presentation accordingly.
Content: Enhance the foundational structure with details, data, and activating language.
Delivery: Bring words alive with personal stories, spoken with heart, precision and practiced delivery methods.
Call for action: To inspire, make specific bold calls for the actions that must be taken.

Outcomes to be achieved are these key skills and behaviors:

Focus on the connection with people as primary.
Create compelling content.
Create a story on the fly using audience-based activating words.
Drive confidence in the first 45 seconds of a presentation.
Become a “Brand Ambassador” for your company.
Build your company’s library of stories to be remembered and repeated
Integrate important messaging about your company and how clients benefit from working with you.
Prepare and deliver content that demonstrates your human side.
Tell a story in 25 words or less.
Design your own plan for strategic community placement.
Build your brand and become a compelling speaker in your field.