Slowing Down as a Speaker

I was leading a speech class the other day and we began with a wonderful exercise called Relational Presence, a way of being with the audience not often experienced and taught. Reason being, it causes anxiety in people because perhaps for the first time in their life  they are actually “being with” another person with […]

A message from Steve Chandler: Live for Yourself

“It is easy to live for others; everybody does.  I call on you to live for yourselves.”      —Ralph Waldo Emerson     For a long time I couldn’t understand that quote by Emerson. Emerson has always been one of my true heroes, but what is he saying here? Be selfish? Self-obsessed? Narcissistic?   Then I […]

Execs follow the beat of their own drummers

Photo Credit : Kathleen Lavine | Business Journal Execs follow the beat of their own drummers Kendall Colman, founder and president of Colman & Company, is a singer who has performed in five of the past seven University Club Twelfth Night music/comedy shows. Here she is on a stairway at the University Club with photos […]